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Emily Shaw

Ithaca College

Aug. 2009- May 2013

B.A. Environmental Studies

Concentration: Living with the Land 

Outdoor Adventure Pursuits minor

My fervor for combining environmental awareness in conjunction with outdoor education has fostered my growth within the Environmental Studies and Outdoor Adventure Pursuits fields. I hope to take this knowledge and continue to evolve these concepts within myself while also helping others to find a connection within our natural environment and within themselves. While I have enjoyed my time at Ithaca College, I have found that education can come from diverse settings and is experienced differently between every individual. Our educational system is currently not meeting the needs of all of these different learning styles and I think the outdoor setting can become the most valuable teacher and  diverse classroom. While at Ithaca College I have received valuable knowledge both within and outside of the classroom and will use this as a foundation to continue my growth, education, and evolution within myself and others.



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