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“Now I see the secret of making the best person: it is to grow in the open air and to eat and sleep with the earth.”
Walt Whitman​​​​​​​​​
The first time I heard this quote, I felt so deeply and intrinsically connected to it. I don’t necessarily believe that a best person exists, but I do attest to there being a human that is more compassionate, loving, caring, aware, and in touch with their surroundings. I have always been fascinated, curious, and explorative within world around me, and have discovered my most awakening experiences to be in the outdoor setting. The educational system that we have in place now is ill fit to meet the needs of every person and the wild soul within us all. I believe that learning in a diverse nature and through outdoor situations can foster an environment that provides ever-changing and constant growth. I want to teach others through the tools that we already have provided within us. Living and breathing with the earth creates a connection not only with the environment from which you were born, but inherently within yourself.

    Wilderness Philosophy

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